Pros and Cons of Blogging for Your New Website

Posted - June 29, 2022
Pros and Cons of Blogging for Your New Website

You’ve gone through the development process and now have a brand new website. During development, your dev team created a blog section and let you know you were free to use it at your leisure once the site was live.

If you’ve never incorporated a blog into your digital marketing, it can be a daunting task that may have you on the fence.

Let’s take a look at why you should consider blogging, how it benefits your search engine optimization (SEO), and what the biggest pros and cons are of the process.

Why Should You Consider Blogging?

The SEO landscape is always on the move. It’s easy for content to become stale and reduce your site’s search engine results page (SERP) rankings.

Blogging lets you take control of the keywords and topics your site focuses on. It lets you stay relevant (but more on that later). Excellent blogging increases your SEO results over time and can help you become an authority in your industry.

However, as with any practice, you should consider the pros and cons before dedicating your time to the craft.

Pros of Blogging

There’s a lot to love about the blogging process! Let’s dig into some of the best pros to think about before you start writing.

Starting is Easy With the Right Content Management System (CMS)

Starting a blog is easy, mainly if your development team has laid the groundwork while building your new site.

A reliable CMS that makes content creation fluid can relieve a lot of stress from the process. In our experience, WordPress is the perfect CMS for easy content creation that yields excellent results.

Aside from letting you directly add content to a blog template, WordPress also offers useful plugins that can help you tailor your content to your SEO strategy and add little details that improve the user experience on your blog.

Blogging Helps Increase Your SEO

We’ve said it before, but SEO isn’t something that sits still for long. If you opt-out of blogging, your site will remain stagnant and eventually fall behind as the rest of the internet moves on.

Blogging lets you keep your valued content in place while adjusting to SEO changes through the content you create. Search engines like Google value relevance when it ranks websites on SERPs.

With keyword and topic research, you can create valuable, relevant content pieces that are up-to-date and help you maintain a position of authority in your industry.

As your authority rises, so do your SERP positions on the searches you want to rank for. All it takes is dedication to proper research and getting creative with your writing.

Blogging Makes Spreading Your Message Easy

Your brand is something that deserves a broad audience. Blogging lets you spread the word about your organization throughout the world.

Sharing your blog to social media networks and industry threads is the key to getting your blog read and shared amongst like-minded people. As readers recognize your relevance, they’ll share your blogs with their social networks.

This can get your message out to potential customers you never knew existed, and the best part is that your readers have done most of the effective marketing for you!

Cons of Blogging

There are always two sides to every opportunity. Here’s a look at some reasons blogging may not be the right choice for your site at this time.

Successful Blogging Requires Constant Updates

Take it from us; professional blogging is a full-time job. It can take hours to craft a great piece. When you have multiple blogs slated for release each month, those hours of creation and updating older blogs add up!

The time commitment blogging requires can be a high entry fee for many budding entrepreneurs.

If you enter this space, make sure you have the time to write and keep up with your daily responsibilities at your business. Without staying up-to-date on either side, success becomes a more significant challenge.

Technical Issues Can Arise

Even with a great CMS, technical problems can occur. You don’t want issues like error pages or misaligned images to throw off customer interest.

Not everyone can handle backend issues. If you know you’re not a technical guru or don’t have a technical SEO team on your side to fix problems, blogging may be something you should ease into.

Blogging Takes Time to Yield SEO Results

Great SEO takes time. A relevant blog isn’t exploding overnight and pushing you to the number one SERP spot.

Sometimes it takes months for a blog to catch fire and reel in organic traffic. Patience and consistency are essential for blogging success. Make sure you have the dedication it takes to see your efforts pay off in the long term.

Overcome Your Blogging Doubts With Dallas SEO Dogs

If you read through our pros and cons and know that your time is too tight to execute a great blog, let Dallas SEO Dogs help! We have an experienced content team that can help you stay ahead of the competition without a massive time commitment.

Let us craft a unique content marketing strategy while you handle your daily operations.

Contact us today to learn more about our content creation services and other SEO opportunities. We’ll even schedule a free consultation to chat!