Top SEO Metrics That Matter For Your Search Engine Rankings

Keeping track of why your website sits at a certain spot on the search engines is essential to knowing where your website needs to be optimized. After all, the success of your pages on search engines isn’t randomly decided by the powers at Google. Each month, get with your digital marketing team to examine the key metrics that contribute to your search rankings. While some (like site speed) can be difficult to determine and improve upon without the help of search engine optimization (SEO) professionals, let’s look at some of the metrics you can follow on your own—and why they’re so important to your search engine potential.

Monthly Organic Click-Through-Rate (CTR)
Your site’s organic CTR is the amount of people who clicked on your site links through search engine results. By examining your monthly CTR in Google Search Console, you can find out the number of clicks generated from specific search queries. This data can help you determine if the keywords your pages focus on are effective. They can also help you further optimize your content for pages that have a lower-than-desired CTR. The average CTR for a search online is 1.91%. So, if you find that your website is earning a higher CTR than that percentage, you should be feeling pretty confident in your SEO practices.
Organic Conversion Rates
Typically, your SEO campaign’s main goals are more visibility in search, more quality site traffic, and more conversions. Keeping tabs on organic conversions is super important. Without understanding the percentage of people who actually engage with your content (make a purchase, call you, fill out a form, signup for your newsletter, etc.), it’s hard to tell:
- If your specific marketing goals are being met
- Where conversion rates are lowest within your brand
- How your business can maximize profits based on what your consumers clearly want

Your Landing Page Bounce Rates
Analyzing your landing page’s bounce rate may be a simple process, but it can tell you so much about the success of your site’s content! A high bounce rate may signal that a page is not user-friendly, uses the wrong keywords to attract visitors, has a poor design, or is slow or hard to use. No one wants their site pages to cause hard-earned visitors to make a U-turn. Knowing which pages are failing now can save you a lot of wasted time and effort months down the road. If you’re able to keep your bounce rate low, you’re doing something right! Your site probably:
- Is fast and easy to use
- Has a great design
- Has great content that’s easy to read
- Gives users the information they’re looking for
- Makes it easy to find the content visitors are looking for
How Your Target Keywords Are Ranking
Using keyword research tools like SEMRush allows you to track how your strategy’s target keywords are ranking at a specific point in time. Industry trends shift—and so does the popularity of top keywords. Check in on keyword ranking regularly to see if your content needs a facelift to help it stay ahead of the competition.

Your Mobile Usability Report
These days, we all use our phones to research and buy products and services. That’s why mobile-friendly websites are essential to your brand’s success! Making sure your site looks and functions well on mobile devices is an essential part of any metrics analysis. A mobile usability report shows problems that users experience on your mobile website. Knowing which pages are giving users trouble is the first essential step to repairing your brand’s reputation with online customers. Discuss the report with your digital marketing team and have them find a solution to the problems ASAP.
Crawl Errors
Google regularly crawls your website, but if something’s wrong with a URL, Google will hit a wall and log a “crawl error.” That’s a bad thing. If a search bot can’t crawl your pages, those pages won’t be found in search results. Crawl errors can be site or page level (URL) errors. Site-level errors can be critical and prevent search engines from crawling (and visitors from exploring) your site. Page-level errors are often less critical because they only apply to certain pages. Either way, if you receive notice from Search Console that Google can’t crawl your page(s), work with your digital marketing team to take corrective action before your search rankings suffer.
Keep Track of Your Site’s Important Metrics With Dallas SEO Dogs
If you don’t have the time to delve into the world of website metrics, we understand! SEO is a job in itself and some business owners have to keep their focus solely on running their business. Leave your metrics worries at our doorstep and let our SEO professionals help your business take the wheel. We’ll navigate your brand through metrics analysis smoothly. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.