5 Ways to Make Your FAQ an SEO Powerhouse

Most people who understand search engine optimization (SEO) know that content is important to great search rankings, but they tend to ignore the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
Like any piece of content on your website, your FAQ is a prime page for optimization that helps your site rank well! Let’s take a look at how answering audience questions the SEO-friendly way can help your website soar beyond the competition in Google.
Why Does Your FAQ Matter?
Your FAQ page provides answers to essential audience questions that could push them into the realm of becoming a solid customer. Not only does your FAQ lead to potential conversions, but a well-structured page benefits your site’s presence in ways such as:
- Prime content has featured snippet potential
- Money and time saved in the customer service process
- Being a place where great future content ideas are born
- A simple place to make updates when new customer service needs arise
Can You Truly Optimize an FAQ Page?
Valuable content for search engines and target audiences alike should be all over your FAQ page. So, the short answer is, “yes,” you can absolutely optimize your FAQ page with the professional attention you’ve granted to other seemingly more important pages.
Here are four easy ways to make your FAQs one of the stand-out sections of your website!
Use Keyword Research to Create Relevant Questions
You already have a set of questions customers ask about your brand on a daily basis. Use those questions as a starting point for your FAQ. While this gets your FAQ page going, use keyword research tools like SEMRush to help you determine what people are asking about the keywords you want to rank for.
Another way to find out what people are asking is through Google searches for your keywords. In the results, Google typically provides related search queries that can become relevant questions.
The more your FAQ answers questions that the masses are searching for, the greater authority your page is going to have.
Keep Your Answers to the Point
As with all writing that targets SEO, keep your content simple and straightforward. Your answers to each question should be a couple of brief paragraphs at their longest. However, make these few sentences count:
- Use relevant keywords throughout your answers
- Answer the question in a conversational tone
- Answer the questions directly and leave nothing to the audience’s imagination
The combination of these techniques will help your answers fit the user-friendly mold Google strives for when it ranks authoritative, accessible content for search queries.
Link From Your Answers

Sometimes the answers to questions aren’t as easily accomplished through two brief paragraphs. You may be able to get you main points across, but more information could be useful for a potential customer.
This is the gateway to the SEO practice of linking to already existing pages on your site. Some of your service pages may have more in-depth information relevant to the question asked on your FAQ. Not only can internal links help you provide deeper answers, but they can also help with your SEO in ways such as:
- Helping users navigate your website
- Establishment of your site’s content hierarchy
- Allowing search engines to “see” your pages and properly index them
Use Schema to Give Your FAQ a Boost
Schema is a markup language that your digital marketing team can implement throughout the backend of your website. Schema makes your website easier for search engines to read. When a search engine like Google can clearly understand the relevance of your content, the greater your site’s potential for higher rankings.
However, using any old schema won’t make your FAQ pop as it should! Google actually has its own preferences for the structure of FAQ markup data. They even provide the tools to show you how to create FAQ schema.
Using this tool, along with WordPress plugins (your marketing team can make suggestions), will help your FAQ page’s information stand out and make a difference in search results.
Answer Your Audience’s PressIng Questions With Dallas SEO Dogs
The digital marketing team at Dallas SEO Dogs believes that every page on your website is an opportunity to help you meet your brand’s digital marketing goals. Our experts are ready to help you perfect the on-site and backend details of your website to boost site visibility, traffic, and conversions!
We’d love to meet you and learn more about your business and industry. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.