Content Marketing Tips for New Law Firms

Posted - April 13, 2022
Content Marketing Tips for New Law Firms

At Dallas SEO Dogs, we put a lot of emphasis on the importance of creating original content as a cornerstone of search engine optimization (SEO) success.

While content marketing as a whole is important for brands trying to meet their goals, the focus and approach toward content marketing can vary from industry to industry.

We’ve already examined how home service businesses can use content marketing and SEO to get ahead of their competition. Let’s take a deeper dive into the legal sector and find out what law firms can do to ensure their content reaches the demographic that needs their help the most.

Why Does Content Marketing Matter for Law Firms?

With excellent content on their side, law firms can easily spread the word about their industry expertise, attract audience interest, and position themselves as thought leaders in their practice areas.

Some of the biggest benefits of content marketing for law firms are:

  • Driving organic visits to the website
  • Increased website traffic
  • Decreased bounce rates
  • The generation of backlinks from other reputable websites
  • An increase in engagement and clients (both new and returning)

How Can You Create Content That Produces Leads?

As a whole, it’s clear that content marketing is one of the best ways a legal expert like a divorce lawyer or personal injury lawyer can get the word out about their services.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the standard and industry-unique ways your law firm can approach content marketing as part of its SEO strategy.

Always Research Your Target Audience

Every law firm has a specific audience in mind. From divorcees to injury victims, bankruptcies, and criminal defense clients, it’s essential that you know your audience and what topic they are searching.

Some of the best ways to hone in on your target audience are:

  • Thorough keyword research
  • Competitor research
  • Social media interaction (polls, inquisitive posts, gaging audience reactions to your content)
  • Researching popular questions audiences have about your field of work

Educate and Solve Client Problems Within Your Content

Once you have an idea of the problems your audience faces, you can create content that helps reassure them that your law firm is the one that can help solve their problems.

Informative content that establishes your firm’s expertise:

  • Increases your authority with your audience and search engines
  • Makes your content valuable to your audience
  • Increases search rank
  • Increases the likelihood that a visitor will engage with your content and reach out for a consultation

When writing content that educates, make sure that you are always answering a burning question, offering tips within your field, or providing a resource that compels visitors to dig deeper into a topic.

Don’t Be Afraid to Dive Deep into Your Subject Matter

As a content creator, you want to answer as many questions as possible about a topic on which you are an authority. A single piece of long-form content can not only be an excellent resource for your readers but can also hit essential keywords and answer relevant questions that increase a page’s value for search engines.

Google loves long-form content and often rewards law firms that contribute well-researched, informative posts with higher rankings due to the increased organic performance this type of content generates.

Repurpose Older Content

Just because you have older content on your site doesn’t mean it can’t be useful. Take some time to perform some historical optimization and punch up your older content to work well with current keywords and content trends. By switching around some keywords and expanding the breadth of your older content, you can only increase your chances of SEO success.

This practice allows you to keep evergreen content relevant and also gives you the chance to repurpose older content for a new audience.

Engage Readers at Every Step of Their Journey

As a law firm, your services assist people during various stages of the legal process. Every legal journey has a step, and your content should touch on every possible situation your firm could encounter.

Create opportunities for those who may be on the fence with your services or who already have experienced this situation. For example, a divorce lawyer should always be ready to assist someone who:

  • Is considering divorce
  • Is coming from another lawyer mid-divorce,
  • has already been through the process and is going through another divorce.

Proving that your firm is capable of helping with any step of the legal process further builds trust with potential clients and could be the push that gets them through your doors.

Post Constantly!

When it comes to legal content, there is always something to talk about. From news reports of local personal injuries to the success of a tricky divorce case, there is never a shortage in your topic selections. Therefore, there should never be a shortage of the content you create.

The more relevant information you publish, the greater your chances are of appearing in a relevant search on the topics you discuss.

We have legal clients that create between 10 and 14 posts per month. As they continue to post about their specific field, we’ve watched their site visits increase, interactions increase, and their rankings for industry-specific keywords increase.

Regularly Check Your Analytics

Remember, even content approaches that worked in the past may not help your firm’s success in the future. Keyword popularity changes, client needs evolve, and trends are always part of an ever-revolving door.

Working with your SEO team or an SEO program like SEMRush can help you review the analytics of all of your site pages and past posts. You can view specific metrics like bounce rates, the amount of time spent on a page, and how many organic visits a page had during a specified amount of time.

Understanding what type of content attracts people and what content is currently not hitting the mark is essential to help you go with the ebb and flow of content creation and make each of your content efforts worthwhile.

Keep Your Law Firm’s Content Relevant With Dallas SEO Dogs

If you are the founder of a law firm that knows you need to improve your content output for success, the team at Dallas SEO Dogs can help!

We have experience creating original, engaging content for law firms in all practice areas. We help you increase authority and improve your firm’s visibility on search engine results pages.

Reach out to us today to learn more about our content services and to schedule a free consultation with a member of our team!