How Google Ads Can Help You Advance Your Business Goals

Posted - April 6, 2022
How Google Ads Advance Business Goals

Google Ads is a dominant name in online advertising that businesses of all sizes have used for growth. With widespread use also come many false rumors and myths.

Here are Dallas SEO Dogs’ thoughts on some of the biggest myths about Google Ads.

What Are Google Ads?

Formerly known as Google AdWords, Google formed the online advertising platform as an accessible way for business owners to advertise their products and services via bids.

When an advertiser’s ad successfully outbids the competition, the advertisement can appear on Google search results and other Google non-search affiliate sites.

Why Are Google Ads Important?

When utilized correctly, Google Ads can be a great way for your business to take advantage of popular industry searches and draw in new business from your target audience.

Google Ads helps your business:

  • Increase website traffic
  • Increase search visibility
  • Get the phone ringing
  • Increase overall in-store visits

Although it does take some experience, with the help of a digital marketing team on your side, your business can conquer the advertising competition and ensure Google Ads are a profitable investment.

Debunking 6 Common Myths About Google Ads

Many business owners miss out on the benefits of Google Ads because they fall prey to the many misconceptions that center around the practice.

Whether it’s a user error or just plain gossip, many of the complaints surrounding Google Ads are myths. Let’s bust 6 of those now!

  1. Google Ads Just Don’t Work

    Some people may have already had a bad experience with Google Ads and feel like the system is set up to fail. The truth is that Google Ads reel in billions of dollars per year for businesses that use them.

    People are clicking on ads. There are many industries where the competition alone makes Google Ads risky. But many business struggle with Google Ads because of poor optimization of their account, ad groups, PPC campaigns, or the ads themselves.

    Hitting the right keywords and writing with intent for your audience are essential for Google Ads. Without the optimization behind the effort, your ads may go nowhere.

  2. Advertising Doesn’t Go Beyond the Search Engine Itself

    Remember, Google is a corporation that has a massive influence on several platforms beyond search engines.

    When you use Google Ads the right way, not only can your advertisement appear on relevant search results on Google but it could also show up on YouTube, Gmail, and other important industry websites that work in conjunction with the Google Display Network.

  3. You’ve Tackled SEO, You Don’t Need Google Ads

    Search engine optimization (SEO) and Google Ads may seem like they are the same beast, but the reality is they are two different species that perform at their best when working together.

    When you have a website that already focuses on excellent SEO practices, the Google Ads that connect to your website can help give your website the ranking boost it deserves. Google Ads can help you get leads from terms that you don’t rank well for; they can also help you dominate the search results for terms you do rank well for.

    Alone, each tool can be effective. But together, they help both of their processes create better results for business owners that use them. Keep in mind that both SEO and Google Ads are slow and steady methods and success is something that won’t happen overnight.

  4. Small Business Owners Can’t Afford Google Ads

    One of the biggest misconceptions new business owners have about Google Ads is that it costs an arm and a leg to achieve local success. Yes, large companies have a large advantage over national audiences. However, smaller businesses that work with an experienced team of digital marketers can achieve local Google Ads success without breaking the bank.

    Through regional and demographic targeting with ad creation, your brand can skip the expensive trial and error process that typically comes with novice Google Ads creators.

  5. Your Ads Will Mainly Receive Malicious Clicks

    Although malicious clicks from competitors have cost business owners ad money in the past, this poor practice is something that Google caught onto quickly.

    Today, Google has the capability to shut down malicious clicks on your ads before they negatively impact your budget.

    While algorithms may not eliminate all malicious clicks, they can still go a long way to save your budget against sneaky competitors.

  6. You Don’t Need to Optimize Your Landing Pages for Google Ads

    Although landing pages aren’t directly linked to your main site, optimization still matters.

    The quality of your landing page that Google Ads lead to, directly affects how Google ranks your ad during a search. You want the quality score of your landing page to be as high as possible. So, optimizing your landing page to be relevant and user-friendly is essential.

Top 4 Ways to Optimize Landing Pages for an Optimal Quality Score

  1. Simple page navigation
  2. Content that is relevant to current user searches and industry progress
  3. Fast loading content
  4. Straightforward call to action buttons

Advertise the Right Way, With Dallas SEO Dogs

If you are a business owner that is ready to make your mark with Google Ads, let the SEO experts help! At Dallas SEO Dogs, our paid advertising team has the experience and tools to effectively maximize your investment in Google Ads.

Let us help you make the right bids at the right time while creating SEO-friendly landing pages that make your ads natural and discreet.

Contact us today to learn more about our paid advertising and SEO services or schedule your free consultation today!