Smartest SEO Moves for 2024 and Beyond

Posted - January 12, 2024

2024 search engine optimization (SEO) is all about rocket fuel, not cobblestones. The search engine landscape is blasting off — powered by AI, personalized results, and user experience (UX) like never before. 

If you want to get ahead of the SEO game, ditch your old toolbox and strap on your jetpack, because it’s time to navigate the SEO stratosphere with these big moves:

Target the Moon to Land on Mars

Optimize for highly specific (“long-tail”) keywords

Gone are the days of broad brushstrokes! Users demand laser-focused queries, and Google rewards content that hits the bullseye. Dive deep into your niche, understand your audience’s hyper-specific needs, and craft content that’s an answer, not a maybe.

DON’T: Aim for vague, generic keywords like “cake recipes.”

DO: Get hyper-specific with “gluten-free, vegan carrot cake with cashew frosting for birthdays.”

Dig Deeper: Research niche subtopics, analyze long-tail queries with tools like Ubersuggest, and create in-depth content that leaves no question unanswered.

Don’t Forget to E-E-A-T

Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness — the Big Four in 2024 SEO. 

Google wants high-quality, credible content from established voices. Showcase your expertise and expertise, build relationships with other authorities, and prioritize user trust above all else.

DON’T: Publish thin, anonymous content from faceless writers.

DO: Showcase your team’s expertise with bios, credentials, and guest posts on authoritative websites.

Build Trust: Encourage user engagement, address customer concerns, and prioritize transparency in everything you do.

Mobile-First, Always

It’s not a suggestion — it’s a law. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites, so treat your mobile experience like the crown jewel. Blazing-fast loading times, intuitive navigation, and content that shines on smaller screens are your keys to ranking royalty.

DON’T: Treat mobile as an afterthought with slow loading times and clunky navigation.

DO: Design for mobile first, using AMP pages, optimizing images, and prioritizing user experience.

Mobile Mastery: Understand voice search behavior, adapt content formats for smaller screens, and make your website a mobile haven.

SEO for Video

Text is great, but video is the kryptonite for user engagement. Google knows this, which is why video content rules the SERPs. Embrace the power of video — explainer animations, product demos, behind-the-scenes peeks — and watch your rankings soar.

DON’T: Stick to text-only content in a video-hungry world.

DO: Embrace explainer animations, product demos, and behind-the-scenes vlogs.

Optimize for Discovery: Use relevant keywords in titles and descriptions, transcribe your videos, and leverage YouTube SEO best practices.

Generative AI

The robots are coming, but not to steal your job (yet). AI-powered SEO tools are your secret weapon for analyzing data, predicting trends, and uncovering hidden insights. Use them to streamline your workflow, make smarter decisions, and stay ahead of the curve.

DON’T: Panic.

DO: Partner with AI tools to analyze data, identify trends, and predict future SEO landscapes.

Stay Ahead of the Curve: AI can optimize your content creation, track competitor strategies, and make data-driven decisions.

Update Constantly

Freshness matters. Google loves new and updated content, so don’t let your pages gather digital dust. Breathe new life into old posts, add fresh insights, and keep your content relevant and evergreen.

DON’T: Let your content gather dust in the digital attic.

DO: Refresh old posts with new insights, update statistics, and add fresh multimedia elements.

Embrace evergreen content: Create timeless pieces that remain relevant and valuable for years to come.

Voice Search

The future is conversational, and SEO must follow suit. Optimize your content for voice queries, using natural language and anticipating user intent. Think questions, not keywords, and your website will become the answer everyone’s asking for.

DON’T: Think in keywords; think in conversations.

DO: Optimize for natural language queries, anticipate user intent, and answer questions in a conversational style.

Use long-tail keywords related to common voice searches, structure your content in Q&A format, and leverage voice-enabled technology.

Quality of Links

Backlinks remain essential, but the quality is king, not quantity. Focus on building relationships with relevant, high-authority sites, and forget the link-building schemes of yesteryear. Quality connections over spammy shortcuts, every time.

DON’T: Chase after spammy backlinks from irrelevant websites.

DO: Build genuine relationships with high-authority sites in your niche.

Become a connector: Guest blog, collaborate on content, and offer valuable resources to earn natural, high-quality backlinks.


Build your personal brand. Connect with influential bloggers in your niche, collaborate on creating original content, and leverage their audience to reach new heights. Authenticity and genuine relationships are the fuel that powers modern SEO.

DON’T: Hide behind a corporate facade.

DO: Build your personal brand, connect with other influencers, and share your genuine voice.

Cultivate relationships: Participate in niche communities, engage with followers, and let your personality shine through.

DO: Let Dallas SEO Dogs Show You to the Future

Forget your SEO history — these are your smartest moves for a 2024 SEO rocket ride. Embrace the future, prioritize quality, and keep your content relevant and valuable. With these strategies as your fuel, you’ll blast past the competition and land right on SERP 1!

Ready to make the most of your SEO this year? Schedule your free consultation with us today!