
Reasons You Might Not Want to Pause Your Facebook or Google Ads

Posted - June 28, 2022
If you are a business owner, you may already realize how vital paid advertising is to your company’s success. Pay-per-click Read More

Top Content Marketing Tips for Local Businesses

Posted - June 23, 2022
Technology prompts businesses to think bigger and broaden their online presence as industry authorities. Search engine optimization Read More

SEO Benefits of Guest Posting on Another Site

Posted - June 15, 2022
Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial to the success of any website. You can have the best website, product, or service in the Read More

How to Form an SEO Strategy for Your New Website

Posted - June 3, 2022
A new website attracts new customers and helps solidify your authority in your industry. If you’ve recently created a new website for Read More

A Look at Different Types of Facebook Ads (And When to Use Them)

Posted - May 25, 2022
Facebook is still the leader among social media platforms. According to, as of April 2022, over 1.9 billion people use Read More

May 2022 Digital Marketing Round-Up

Posted - May 18, 2022
Welcome back to another digital marketing round-up with Dallas SEO Dogs! May was a month of reporting issues and updates for Google. Yet, Read More

How Can SEO Get Clients Into Your Medical Business?

Posted - May 11, 2022
When someone in your target audience needs medical help, you want your practice to be at the top of their search results. The right Read More

How Do On-Page & Off-Page SEO Work Together?

Posted - May 4, 2022
We all know that success in search hinges on your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. A great strategy decreases bounce Read More

A Quick Look at the Latest in Digital Marketing Trending News

Posted - April 27, 2022
Dallas SEO Dogs stays informed on the latest happenings in the digital marketing world. After all, the latest changes to make headlines Read More

Twitter Begins Testing 3 New Ad Formats: Why It Matters for You

Posted - April 20, 2022
Paid advertising is an excellent way for you to bring your brand to the online doorstep of potential customers. From Facebook Ads Read More