
E-commerce SEO 2021: Optimizing Your Site for More Traffic & Sales

Posted - July 22, 2016
E-Commerce and its relationship to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) change each year with “hot” new trends. Choosing the trends that Read More

PPC Landing Page vs Service Page

Posted - March 23, 2016
The ideal SEO landing page is the balance of two complex tasks: You’re trying to get Google’s attention by highlighting your focus Read More

Dallas SEO State of Search 2015 Recap

Posted - December 7, 2015
Last month, Dallas SEO Dogs had the pleasure of attending the 2015 State of Search conference, hosted by DFWSEM. The annual two-day Read More

Why I Am Wary of Competitive Pay Per Click

Posted - August 31, 2015
Six months ago, I was setting up a Pay Per Click campaign for a new client. They had approved of my ad copy and were now reviewing my Read More

State of Search 2014 Dallas SEO Conference

Posted - November 19, 2014
The 2014 DFWSEM State of Search conference was the association’s first year for hosting 2 days of speakers. From Search Engine Read More

What are the Benefits of Geo-Targeting Different Locations with Keywords?

Posted - April 10, 2014
Consumers in every city, state, and country are different; therefore, the way they search, shop, and purchase are going to be different Read More

How Pay Per Click Campaigns Can Help Organic SEO

Posted - April 8, 2014
PPC or Pay Per Click is exactly what it sounds like - you pay every time someone clicks your link. It's an easier yet usually more Read More

The Differences Between Organic Search and Paid Search

Posted - April 4, 2014
Before determining which is better for your business, organic search or paid search, it is best to understand their differences. When a Read More

How to Improve Your SEO

Posted - March 31, 2014
SEO is the most important segment of search engine marketing. Websites that rank higher in search results typically get more traffic, Read More

Long Term Benefits of Organic SEO

Posted - March 25, 2014
If you've found this post you're likely interested in learning how search engine optimization can help your website and ultimately your Read More