
Nine Elements for Engaging Content

Posted - August 14, 2013
If we’ve learned anything from the latest incarnations of Google’s Penguin and Panda algorithms, it is that “quality is king”. Read More

Google’s Results Carousel: Yelp’s New Rival or Another Ride?

Posted - July 22, 2013
At the end of last year, Google soft-rolled a new design for local search results, specifically for iPhone tablets. This feature put a Read More

Facebook Releases Graph Search: What Businesses Should Know

Posted - July 17, 2013
Back in January, Facebook announced the upcoming Graph Search function. The social network giant claimed it as their new "third pillar" Read More

Put Your Social Media in One Place: Holler for HootSuite

Posted - June 28, 2013
In our second to final update for June’s “Social Media Month”, we’re going to discuss how to integrate all your social media Read More

Falling Behind? Facebook Finally Adds Video and Hashtagging

Posted - June 21, 2013
Keeping in trend with our focus on the unofficial “Social Media Month”, we’ve got news of another couple steps in the evolution of Read More

Connecting Digital Marketing to the Bottom Line

Posted - June 17, 2013
With all of the push about the importance of having and being active on social media, one of the most difficult, but most important Read More

Five Tips to Boosting Facebook Interactions

Posted - June 13, 2013
Over the course of June, we here at Dallas SEO Dogs are going to focus our blog on discussing tips and strategies to boost content, Read More

Blogging Tips From The SEO Standpoint

Posted - June 5, 2013
Blogging is one of the first and most often discussed strategies that we suggest here at Dallas SEO Dogs. It is one of the most Read More

Penguin 2.0 is Out!

Posted - May 24, 2013
The long awaited and much-ballyhooed Penguin 2.0 went live yesterday and we've already had some panicked emails overnight about the Read More

Stepping Back: SEO, Time, and The Big Picture

Posted - May 20, 2013
What’s Taking So Long?   One of the most common problems SEO companies face is in getting clients to realize the process and time Read More